Monday, January 19, 2009

Cellulitis and Jason Squemish people need not look.

My poor hubby got cellulitis during the Christmas break and it was not fun for him at all. He had to endure hep locks for IV antibiotics 2 times a day for the first few days and 5200 mg of oral antibiotics plus shots in his hip of more antibiotics every time he visited the clinic that were very painful also. Their advise for the shot in the hiney was to walk it in but he had to also keep his foot elevated. Huh? He tried to walk with his foot elevated the best he could but with no success. LOL! They decided to cut the wound and squeeze the nastiness and nacrotized flesh out without anything for pain and then stuffed a string (10.5 inches the first time) down into the wound to wick the infection out then they would have him come in everyday to get the string changed (and to make sure it was not spreading to much and to get more shots) which appeared to be some serious pain as well. (Jason would have made a great Lamaze student with that kind of major heavy breathing to cope with the pain) I was so proud of his bravery. We finally asked our good friend Bro Egbert and Bro Buchanan to give Jason a Priesthood blessing and that seemed to be a major turning point for him. Jason has managed to heal in record time and we are thankful everyday that we have Heavenly Fathers watchful eye over us. We were blessed to have a wonderfully understanding friend who happens to be Jason's boss make it possible that we could have Jason continue to work and not have a short paycheck and still get the time Jason needed to make sure all of the procedures could take place. Also that the clinic was open until 10 pm most nights to allow for appts to mostly happen after work. We are blessed and grateful!

Notice how big Jason's calf is! This after the wound was cut and drained.

This is Jan 28Th after Jason finally decided he needed to be seen by a doc and they put an IV in and had him come back twice a day for IV antibiotics. The first day.

1 comment:

Debbie said...

Sorry to hear about Jason going through all of that, and with no pain meds to boot, Wow! Mike told me about it when it happened. He felt really bad for him.