Thursday, September 4, 2008

My Crazy Fun Kids!

I have the most fun kids! Here's the scoop...First my older 2 daughters Lexi and Lindsay say to me on Tuesday "OK mom we are ready for the volleyball clinic" so I look and first I see Lexi who has long argyle socks on and think hummmm...ok...whatever makes her happy and then here comes Lindsay who has not only long colorful socks on but 2 completely different socks! I told them they were weirdos but that seemed to be what they were going for because they just giggled and went to the stake function just like this. I am glad they are happy little weirdos who feel comfortable enough in their own skin to "express themselves"! :) (I know it isnt that bad actually)
Then we have Sarah and her baby. She will not do much of anything without this baby by her side right now. It is a doll that Gabby had first and has given it to Sarah and it makes the cutest baby sounds. We call her princess Alexa (it was on the box) but Mommy Sarah just screams and cries if she doesn't have her. p.s. you will notice that the top Sarah is wearing in the sock shots she dressed her baby with the next day...

And last but not least, this morning I here "Love you Bye bye mommy" and this is what I saw...from my most handsome boy! As he was laughing so hard it popped the rubber band off and snapped his face. Aw the price for humor can be stiff sometimes....

My kids are the bomb! Nothing has made me more happy or laugh more than these 5 characters that I am borrowing from my Heavenly Father. He must have known they were just what I would need. I so hate to be bored!


Rebecca Whitcomb North said...

Kids are hilarious! They sure do make life more entertaining and spontaneous.

Cute photos!

Kara said...

Love it! They are so cute! Love the socks. I bet they rocked the volleyball clinic!

Greco6 said...

It reminded me of Pippi and her longstockings... just a little bit!!