Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Happy Valentines Day....OUCH!!!

On Valentines Day Jason Christian and I were rear ended while waiting at a light on Bangerter and 5400 S. We all got whiplash and bruises from the seat belt. I sustained an injured rotater cuff and I hit my head pretty hard on our rear view mirror, but the boy took the bulk of the hit will TMJ trauma a bruised spleen and he also injured his hip along with a chipped tooth and the whiplash. (He hit the back of my seat with his face) Poor guy! He took it really hard emotionally too. It seemed to shake Christian up considerably. Speaking of seats, we recoiled so hard back into our seats that they bent back at about the shoulder level in about a 15 degree angle towards the rear of the car.
This is the truck that hit us. He doesn't look too bad. The gentleman was very apologetic and genuinely concerned for our well being. I felt for him.

This is the car that we were pushed into. Luckily because Jasons foot was still on the brake when it happened we didnt hit them hard at all.

Our liscence plate was bent and that appears to be the only damage on the front of the car we got. Jason did not get a ticket.

Bye Bye Tercel! WE thank you for your service to us. REST IN PEACE! The other guys insurance assumed liability yesterday so we should be able to close this out soon.

Friday, February 13, 2009

Lexi is a funny cute 16 year old!

More Birthday Events with Alexis!

The morning after Lexi's birthday we got up as usual about 5:20 am to get Jason off to work and we both came into the living room while Jason packed his bag for the day and he said, "there is someone on the porch." I say, "WHAT!?!" so Jason goes to the stairs and looks through from the top of the stairs and a petite little hand waves at him. It was Maisha, Lexi's best friend decorating our front door for her but for a brief moment I thought I could taste my heart! Here is what she did! (I think Lindy Maisha's sister might have helped some too) I love Maisha! She is the sweetest girl. I couldn't ask for a better friend for my baby girl.

Alexis Emily Hill is 16!

Alexis picked a 30 min Cocoa Cake for her birthday dessert. SO GOOD!
This year we are letting the birthday person pick their favorite meal to have at home. Alexis picked Sushi! It is her favorite food and Jason made some totally awesome sushi I might add. Especially considering it was his first time. Oh my heck it was tremendous! Great Job Lexi for picking it and Jason for making it! YUMMY!
Lexi's friend Jace and Brady and Lindsey Howell stopped by and gave her her favorite candy peanut butter cups! I am coming to the realization that the friends are very very important to the kids.
This is her opening her David Archuletta CD! OH MY HECK!
Her Headphones she begged for
This is her getting her a beautiful ring from mom and dad.
Feb 5th 2009 Alexis turned the big 16! (she has her first date tonight! YIKES!) Where has the time gone?
Grandma and Grandpa Hill came to help celebrate
As did Grandpa and Grandma Bitner
Lindsey Howell Gabby and CJ
More party goers!
Alexis favorites:
HOBBY: writing reading and hanging with friends
NICKNAMES:Lexi and Lexi Lou
Alexis is a sweetheart who is an irreplaceable presence in my life. I love her with all of my heart and recognize her as a gift from God. She has a tender heart. Through Alexis all of my dreams of becoming a mother and having a family came true! She is her own person and likes to buck the norm (but only sometimes) She is a talented writer and I believe a budding photographer. She has a testimony of the gospel. I know because I have not only heard it from her mouth but I have seen it in her actions. Friends are very important to Lexi right now and I am so very thankful that she has chosen great ones! (she has already been on dates YIKES) She is wonderful! Happy 16th Birthday Lexi!

Jason Has A Birthday Jan 12!

Ok well I am behind in my blogging still. SAWREE!! (As we say in the fam).You can refer to a blog I posted on Jan 12th but thought I would add the pics from the day. Happy Birthday Again Baby!

Some of us had pink eye that day which is why Sarah looks half dressed and you wont see any visitors either. It was a nice quiet day for us.

The kids decorated with balloons and crepe paper for their dad. I didn't get a pic of the blue streamers attached to the ceiling fan or what happened when they turned the fan on. That was entertainment in itself. What a bad time for camera batteries to die!
Yes Jason got a bag of chicken breasts for his birthday. (spices too) It is for his George Forman grill he got to take to work with him so he can have warm fresh food at work instead of microwavable magic all of the time. We don't usually give each other raw meat as a gift. No really. We don't!

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Sarah likes to be in little places but where do we draw the line?

Ok we have already established that Sarah likes to be in tight places but on Jan 10 this is where we found the little darlin'.

Can I get the lid for you?

I guess it stands to reason with odd parents it is likely the kids will be odd too. Oh well...Never a dull moment!

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

A little glimpse of Our January

Jan 1st-Happy New Year! We went to Dan and Marnees house to bring in the new year with lots of Fireworks from Dan. Thanks Dan and Marnee! Tried to go to the clinic 3 times and could never find a parking space.

Jan 2-Date Night and more clinic time.

Jan 3-Breakfast with Lindsay. We had Alex and Anne Marie and their families over for a weight loss planning meeting and more clinic time for Jason.

Jan 4-New Church time today 11-2 and our ward got a new Bishop! Bishop Egbert! He will do a great job. More clinic time for Jason still.

Jan 5-Back to school for the kids. Still more visits to the clinic for Jason. Wrote letters for a time capsule to go in our decorations for next year and learned how to set goals for FHE.

Jan 6-Youth fireside for Lexi Lindsay and Jason. Jason gets a break from the clinic tonight! Yes!

an 7-Todd Allen Hill's Funeral. It is a sad thing to bury someone basically your same age. Murder is a sad and inconceivable concept.

Jan 7-The clinic releases Jason to his own care at home!-

Jan 8-Lots of errands.

Jan 9-Seth and Nana come for a visit

Jan 10-Lunch and errands with CJ. Jason helped his mom with her basement. My first weigh in brings a 4 pound loss!

Jan 11-Christian and I miss church because of pink eye. We start feeling twitchy if its been like 24hrs without seeing a doc.

Jan 12-Jasons Birthday!

Jan 13-CJ got an invitation to the council reflections awards evening. I wonder why? HUMMMM....

Jan 14-Surprise visit from Marnee and the girls and Jason becomes a basketball coach despite the lack of knowledge of the game.

Jan 15-We went to an awards ceremony for CJ and his reflections contest at Taylorsville library and then checked out a bunch of books.

Jan 16-we had visit from Seth and Mom again and date night.

Jan 17-took Gabby for one on one time and running of errands

Jan 18-New Beginnings. Alexis spoke on Faith and Lindsay spoke on Virtue. Sarah and I missed church because she now has pink eye.

Jan 19-FHE We had a lesson/game and played "are you smarter than a primary child" and needless to say the Primary team beat the Young Woman team.

Jan 20-Watched the Inauguration in the morning and Lexi's church basketball game in the evening. They lost by 1 pt and it was a great game.

Jan 21-Tonight was one of those crazy nights. Jason had basketball practice and YM/Scouts I did Visiting Teaching Interviews Alexis and Lindsay had YW Christian has scouts and Gabby was at activity days. Sarah came to the church with us and we just jointly watched her together. PS everyone except me and Sarah delivered flyer's for the coat drive.

Jan 21-There was a shooting involving Lexi's High School. I was never more thankful for her cell phone or the words I'm OK on a little black and white screen!

Jan 22-I had an Enrichment committee meeting to begin planning this years enrichment RS birthday party. Our Theme will be "We Belong" and I was nominated to sing at it. Hopefully with Stacey and Betty!!

Jan 23-Chocolate day at the Library for Lindsay, date night for mom and dad Gabby had dance class.

Jan 24-Matt and Jaime's baby boy Evans blessing and a pot luck after and Jason was able to fix the Egbert's dishwasher.

Jan 25-A good day at church. Gabby gave a talk in primary today

Jan 26-FHE we had a family council and discussed how to make our daily lives better for everyone.

Jan 27-Jason and the ward boys had 2 basketball games and won each by a landslide! Great Job Boys!

Jan 28-We watched American Idol auditions in Salt Lake City tonight. The judges think they should move here because we are all so nice!!

Jan 29-Relief Society Presidency Meeting

Jan 30-Date Night! The girls hang out at Jace and Brady's

Jan 31-Errands and one on one with Lexi, Amanda takes Lexi to lunch for her birthday with mom and Nana and Lexi Lindsay CJ and Gabby go swimming with Jace and Brady and Lindsay Howell and then spend the rest of the evening at The Howells house to "hang out"